Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Thoughts on love from my swing

I have had a deep and singular love for one small place on this big planet all of my life.  No matter where I have gone over the years, I eventually felt an undeniable call to return to my sacred life-giving lake.

I have a special place to sit where my mind immediately grows calm.  I am no longer thinking as my senses completely tune in to my surroundings.  My tree swing hangs from a big maple tree a few feet from the water's edge.  Part of the ritual involves having my bare feet connect to the earth in the grass beneath me.  It is believed by some that the earth has healing properties that are conducted through your bare feet.  I know that this place heals me everyday.

The unique smell of my lake wafting on a summer wind always engulfs me in a wave of emotion akin to love. The sound of it's waves lapping on the shore is surely the sweetest music I shall ever hear, and the countless sunsets I have witnessed from my swing never lose their magic.

Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night to sit in my swing beneath a dome of brilliant stars.  It is so calm that I can hear the owls calling to each other in the woods across the water and the frogs singing far down in the marsh.  This is my church and my God, and I am one with all of it.

Perhaps this lake is the love of my life.

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